It was a lovely day when we 1 _____ off with great excitement on our 2 _____ into the forest. We had no idea that the day would turn 3 _____ one of the worst days of our lives. We followed the track along the river into the centre of the forest, where we had planned to rest and go swimming under the waterfall there. We were really looking 4 _____ to this part.5 _____ we were eating our lunch, it started to rain. It wasn’t heavy at first but, once the thunder came, the rain became heavier and heavier. Suddenly, there was a 6 _____ roar and I shouted to everyone to 7 _____ away from the river bank and run as fast as they could. The next thing I knew, I was being swept down the river by a mountain of 8 _____ water. It seemed to go on forever, but then I found myself clinging to a tree, gasping for breath. I was absolutely 9 _____and could hardly move. Then I finally succeeded 10 _____ getting to dry ground and lay there trying to 11 _____ out how far I’d been taken. Where were my friends? Were they OK? Suddenly, I heard someone shouting my name, and there they all were, completely dry. I had been the only one who had been washed away. It took us all a long time to get 12 _____ the experience and I still refuse to go near river banks, even on sunny days!

1 A got B put C made D set

2 A trip B travel
C break D voyage

3 A out B into C over D off

4 A forward B for
C at D out for

5 A After B During
C Afterwards D While

6 A tiny B boiling
C terrifying D fascinating

7 A get B make C take D set

8 A enormous B freezing
C exhausted D terrible

9 A scary B confident
C starving D exhausted

10 A on B at C in D by

11 A make B set C get D work


Respuesta dada por: familiacorreaparra5


no se  no soy EE.UU


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