• Asignatura: Castellano
  • Autor: hurtadoalison
  • hace 1 año

My future A few years ago of the year something happened. I suddenly when I was in oth knew what my dream job was, I love animals grade. I worried and I decided that I wanted to become a vet! a lot about my To do that I had to go to a good university. And future. Every to go to a good university, I had to get good day, I thought marks and do well in my exams. "What am I going From 9th grade onwards, I worked very hard to do when I every day in dass. I studied for hours at home leave school? . and my parents even told me to work less! I didn't feel At the end of that year, I won a prize for my excited about good marks. My family were so proud of me the future - I just felt very scared. One reason was that at that and i felt great. But then, I started to wory time I found school difficult. 1 usually studied again. I thought "What will happen if I don't hard and listened in dass (well, I thought get good results next year?" and "If I didn't go to university, what would I do?". Everyone told so), but my teachers never seemed to be very happy with my work - or with me. When me that I just had to do my best and to stop I think back to those times now, I remember worrying. So that's exactly what I did! that sometimes I didn't concentrate very well I often think back to 8th grade when I was so and I also handed in work too late. This went scared. Now I feel much more confident and on for most of the year, but then near the end I'm looking forward to the futurel by Anna​


Respuesta dada por: Alonsoalcantara234


no entiendo usa traductor dame coronita

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