Once upon a time there was a man who had three sons. The youngest of the three was called Zilly, and he was despised, mocked, and neglected at every opportunity.
One day, the eldest son wanted to go to the forest to cut wood, his mother gave him a delicious egg cake and a bottle of milk so that he would not go hungry or thirsty. When he got to the forest he met a little gray-haired, very old man who greeted him politely and said:
- Please give me a piece of cake and a sip of your milk, for I am hungry and thirsty.
-If I give you cake and milk, I will have nothing to eat," replied the older son. And he left the little man standing and went on his way. But when he began to cut down a tree, he struck a wrong blow AND hurt his arm with the axe, so he had to return home. With that blow, he paid for his behavior with the little man.
THE GOLDEN GAIN Once upon a time there was a man who had three children, the youngest of the three they called Tontin, and he was despised, mocked, and neglected each time. One day, the eldest son wanted to go to the forest to cut firewood, his mother gave him a delicious egg cake and a bottle of milk so that he would not go hungry or thirsty. Upon reaching the forest he met a very old gray-haired man who greeted him politely and said: -Please give me a piece of cake and a sip of your milk, for I am hungry and thirsty. "If I give you cake and milk, I'll have nothing to eat," replied the eldest son. And he stood the little man to go on his way. But when he started felling a tree, he hit the wrong blow and hurt his arm with the ax, so he had to go home. With that blow, he paid for his behavior with the little man.