• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gnzlescalera
  • hace 1 año

Complete the second part of the story with the past simple form of the verbs. wthe birth was there, but she was in 3 5 hen I 'arrived (arrive) at Rock Point, the girl was there, but she was in trouble. I 2 ______(pull) her out of the water. We _______ (not talk) on the way back. I ______ (carry) her to the sand and she _____ (phone) her parents on my phone. You (save) my life!" she ______ (smile). l8 _______ (not save) your life!' l 9________ (answer). 'It was your brother.' My brother?' she 10________ (cry). My brother Danny 11 _________ (die) at Rock Point when he was ten. This was his bracelet. I wear it to remember him.' I 12 ________ (look) at the bracelet on her wrist. It was a silver bracelet with a D on it. ​


Respuesta dada por: abdielcrespin09




Respuesta dada por: basileagostina


2- pulled

3- didn't talk

4- Carried

5- phoned



8- didn't save

9- answered

10- cried




en el simple past...

affirmative/ afirmativo

nosotros agregamos ed en cuando el verbo es regular y afirmativo pero cuando es irregular tenemos que cambiar el verbo de una manera por eso hay una lista que te puede ayudar para encontrar los verbos irregulares, estos se aprenden a medida que vas estudiando y haciendo más ejercicios

[podes buscar en Google irregular verbs y te aparece]

[podes buscar en Google irregular verbs y te aparece]negative/ negativo

en el negativo tenemos que poner didn't cuando en los paréntesis aparece un not como por ejemplo (not look) acá el verbo no cambia pero cuando hay not le ponemos didn't y quedaría asi: didn't look

interrogative/ interrogativa

cuando es interrogativa se le agrega did

por ejemplo:

did she look?

tampoco se cambia el verbo

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