• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: robert6p
  • hace 1 año

KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT 3. Circle the correct form of the first conditional. Ex: If you word/will work) harder, you (buyum buy the car. If it (will rain/rains) tomorrow, we (will stay/stay) at home • Small shops (will close/close) if so many people (will go/go) to hypermarkets. • If you (walk/will walk) down the street, you will find/find) the post office. • If Mary (will not likel does not like) the present, John (will buy/buys) something different. • My daughter (will finish/finishes) university by 2026 if she (will start/starts) this year.​



Respuesta dada por: villajuancamila


  • Small shops will close if so many people go to hypermarkets.
  • If you walk down the street, you will find the post office.
  • If mary desn't like the present, john will buy something different
  • My daughter will finish university by 2026 y she starts this years.


ojala te ayude

lamiss2: ey
lamiss2: la primera porfa
lamiss2: falto esa wey
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