• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: bernalvdilanv
  • hace 2 años

Now use the interrogative forms of the present simple (Ahora utilice la forma

interrogative del presente simple)​



Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

Respuestas en negrita:

(the girl/blush) when her boyfriend kisses her?

Answer: Does the girl blush when her boyfriend kisses her?

Translation: ¿Se ruboriza la chica cuando su novio la besa?

(Caroline/like) to be disturbed?

Answer: Does Carolina like to be disturbed?

Translation: ¿A Carolina le gusta que la molesten?

(you/explain) clearly?

Answer: Do you explain clearly?

Translation: ¿Tú explicas con claridad?

(Mum/cook) dinner every day?

Answer: Does Mum cook dinner every day?

Translation: ¿Prepara mamá la cena todos los días?

(the pupil/ask) for help?

Answer: Does the pupil ask for help?

Translation: ¿Pide ayuda el alumno?

(girls/enjoy) going to parties?

Answer: Do girls enjoy going to parties?

Translation: ¿Disfrutan las chicas yendo a fiestas?

(you/visit) the museum regularly?

Answer: Do you visit the museum regularly?

Translation: ¿Visitas tú el museo con regularidad?

(Charles/arrive) early as a rule?

Answer: Does Charles arrive early as a rule?

Translation: ¿Llega Carlos temprano como regla?

(secretaries/make) hotel reservations?

Answer: Do the secretaries make hotel reservations?

Translation: ¿Hacen las secretarias reservas de hotel?

(Mrs. Clark/water) the plants?

Answer: Does Mrs. Clark water the plants?

Translation: ¿Riega la Sra. Clark las plantas?

(the cat/scratch) the front door?

Answer: Does the cat scratch the front door?

Translation: ¿Rasca el gato la puerta de entrada?

(your sister/cook) well?

Answer: Does your sister cook well?

Translation: ¿Cocina bien tu #######?

[Nota: ####### palabras censuradas por el sistema]

Michael Spymore

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