en la imagen de la jirafa:
A. The giraffe is a short animal?
- No, it's a long animal
B. What colors is a giraffe?
- Yellow and brown
C. What can a giraffe eat?
- grass
A. Where can you find penguins?
- In the Pacific Ocean
B. What is the diet of a penguin?
- Is just crustacean, squid and fish
C. How many fingers does a penguin have?
- Four
A. What is the name of this animal?
- Hippo
B. The hippos are viviparous or oviparous?
- Hippos are vivuparous
C. What does an Hippo need to survive?
- Food and a lot of water
A. What is the color of a monkey?
- Brown
B. What is the most important part of the body of a monkeh?
- The tail, it's strong and they use it a lot
C. How do you spell monkey?
- Em, ou, en, i, key
A. What does a lion eat?
- Meat
B. What is the body mass of a lion?
- 120 kg
C. What is the habitat of a lion
- The sabana
A. Where does the snake have venom?
- In the fangs
B. All the snakes are dangerous to the humans?
- No, there are some snakes that aren't dangerous
C. What is the life span of a snake
- 9 years
A. Where live the pandas?
- In China
B. What are the colors of a panda?
- Black and white
C. Pandas are small?
- No, pandas are big
A. What is the name of this animal?
- Kangaroo
B. How big is a kangaroo?
- A kangaroo usually 2.8 m
C. How big can a kangaroo jump?
- 3 m
listo :D