• Asignatura: Química
  • Autor: XxBeastSlayer2021Xx
  • hace 2 años

hey , algu ien quiere hab lar ?
Est oy abu rrido como el infierno en este m om ento y triste ta mbi én y por ci erto, no ha blo es pa ñol​

XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: hola
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: sorry I meant hi
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: sorry I meant hi
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: what's up y'all
reyescasteloleonel: Hi, I'm Peruvian, but I know how to speak a little English and where do you come from?


Respuesta dada por: reyescasteloleonel


y como hablaste español para ecribir este texto


por cierto es mi uncia duda

Posdata: no me enteresa la propuesta

XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: oh ok
reyescasteloleonel: I'm interested in learning English and now look at me talking to an American hahahaha who was going to say it I never thought that one day this would happen to me
reyescasteloleonel: and you are never interested in learning Spanish?
reyescasteloleonel: I thought that learning English wasn't going to help me, but it did help me, if I hadn't learned, I wasn't even talking to you
reyescasteloleonel: and you had heard about Peru before, my country because I from your country did not listen much
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: oh ok
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: sorry I was at the gym bro
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: sorry for late reply
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: and yeah, I can help u in English bro
XxBeastSlayer2021Xx: so no worries at all
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