My brother is the *tallest* in the family.
the color of my eyes are *blue*
My university is very *big.*
My cousins are very *cheerful.*
My grandfather is very *old.*
My mother is very *satisfied* with her birthday present.
My uncle is *fat.*
You are very *strong.*
Lucia is very *thoughtful.*
Luis is very *embarrassed.*
I am very *worried* about the exam.
My neighbor is *sad* because she lost her cat.
My mom is very *pretty.*
My dog is *brown.*
I am very *thin.*
Respuesta: si puedes dame la corona a migo prque me costo
Me gusta ver la noche estrellada. estrellada
La camisa azul está sucia. azul
La cinta azul es la del vencedor azul
Tamara es una alumna eficiente. eficiente
Rocío es una niña bonita. bonita
Estrenaré los zapatos nuevos. nuevos
Necesito que me prestes tu libro naranja. naranja
Es un niño bueno.
Mi vecino es muy amable. amable
Noelia finalizó la competición exhausta. eshausta
La bebida está muy dulce dulce
He arreglado el vestido viejo de mi tía. viejo
Los ojos marrones de Lucero. marrones
Hogar, dulce hogar. dulce
Nos mudaremos a un departamento nuevo nuevo
I like to see the starry night.
The blue shirt is dirty.
The blue ribbon is that of the winner
Tamara is an efficient student.
Rocío is a pretty girl.
I will wear the new shoes.
I need you to lend me your orange book.
He is a good boy.
My neighbor is very friendly.
Noelia finished the competition exhausted.
The drink is very sweet
I have fixed my aunt's old dress.
Lucero's brown eyes.
Home Sweet Home.
We are moving to a new apartment.
Source: https://www.eje