Traduce al inglés el texto # 2 del módulo de español: “Mito Desana Universo”, en pasado.
Nuestro mundo está conformado por agua y tierra (selva). Alrededor, el aire se expande entre este mundo natural y el sobrenatural donde abunda la energía que controla el poder y la fuerza, los fenómenos físicos y espirituales, la vida y la fertilidad. La zona inferior del cosmos está constituida por un río de leche, femenino y una tierra de leche envueltos y contenidos por la maloca de leche protegida por el colibrí, que se concibe como un útero o placenta a donde van los espíritus de los muertos. Se considera que el Padre Sol es el creador que ha originado todas las cosas (energía, aire, agua y tierra) y tiene representante, uno de los cuales es el sol diurno y otro la luna, concebida como sol nocturno. También lo representan los personajes de los días, que rigen el tiempo e intervienen para mediar los conflictos y, los personajes de la sangre que protegen a la gente y viven cerca de las malocas. Los jaguares son también delegados del sol, los sacerdotes y los payés. Cuando una pez boréka (trucha) se enamoró de un hombre y cohabitó con él. Sus hijos fueron los primeros Desana, quienes se consideran protegidos por el colibrí (Mimí) quien también se identifica con el viento. Al morir los Desana se convierten en colibrís. Los Desana cohabitaron con diferentes hembras y así originaron los diferentes sib. No deben casarse ni tener relaciones sexuales con mujeres Desana o cometerían incesto, lo cual tendría consecuencias catastróficas para la naturaleza y el cosmos, tal y como se dice que ocurrió cuando el sol cometió incesto con su hija. La hija del sol se describe como la transmisora de la cultura Desana. Todos los animales están sometidos al dueño de los animales (kêgê) que habita los cerros rocosos y los raudales, desde donde rige la proliferación de las diferentes especies. En la selva hay además espíritus, algunos de los cuales son "demonios" que causan mal, matando o enfermando a la gente. Publicado por Juan Carlos Alonso G.
in the past tense.
Our world is made up of water and land (jungle). Around, the air expands between this natural and supernatural world where the energy that controls power and strength, physical and spiritual phenomena, life and fertility abounds. The lower zone of the cosmos is constituted by a river of milk, feminine and a land of milk wrapped and contained by the maloca of milk protected by the hummingbird, which is conceived as a uterus or placenta where the spirits of the dead go. Father Sun is considered to be the creator who has originated all things (energy, air, water and earth) and has a representative, one of whom is the day sun and the other the moon, conceived as the night sun. It is also represented by the characters of the days, who govern time and intervene to mediate conflicts, and the characters of the blood that protect people and live near the malocas. Jaguars are also delegates of the sun, priests and peasants. When a boréka fish (trout) fell in love with a man and cohabited with him. His children were the first Desana, who consider themselves protected by the hummingbird (Mimi) who also identifies with the wind. When the Desana die they turn into hummingbirds. The Desana cohabited with different females and thus originated the different sib. They must not marry or have sexual relations with Desana women or they would commit incest, which would have catastrophic consequences for nature and the cosmos, as is said to have happened when the sun committed incest with his daughter. The daughter of the sun is described as the transmitter of the Desana culture. All animals are subject to the owner of the animals (kêgê) that inhabits the rocky hills and streams, from where the proliferation of the different species governs. In the jungle there are also spirits, some of which are "demons" that cause evil, killing or making people sick. Published by Juan Carlos Alonso G.
bro cuanto te demoraste al escribir esto pero buenoc
Myth Desana Universo", in the past tense.
Our world is made up of water and land (jungle). Around, the air expands between this natural and supernatural world where the energy that controls power and strength, physical and spiritual phenomena, life and fertility abounds. The lower zone of the cosmos is constituted by a river of milk, feminine and a land of milk wrapped and contained by the maloca of milk protected by the hummingbird, which is conceived as a uterus or placenta where the spirits of the dead go. It is considered that Father Sun is the creator who has originated all things (energy, air, water and earth) and has a representative, one of whom is the day sun and the other the moon, conceived as the night sun. It is also represented by the characters of the days, who govern time and intervene to mediate conflicts, and the characters of the blood that protect people and live near the malocas. Jaguars are also delegates of the sun, priests and peasants. When a boréka fish (trout) fell in love with a man and cohabited with him. His children were the first Desana, who consider themselves protected by the hummingbird (Mimi) who also identifies with the wind. When the Desana die they turn into hummingbirds. The Desana cohabited with different females and thus originated the different sib. They must not marry or have sexual relations with women