• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: AlanNahuel12
  • hace 2 años

1) Cambie a la forma interrogativa.
a. You are at school.
b. Lali Esposito is a singer.
c. We are at home.
d. They are popular in the USA.
e. It is my e-mail address.


Respuesta dada por: jessicasalguerob
a. Are you at school?
b. Is Lali Esposito a singer?
c. Are we at home?
d. Are they popular in the USA?
e. Is it my e-mail address?

AlanNahuel12: gracias compa
AlanNahuel12: te lo agradezco
Respuesta dada por: abortofallido15


. You are at school.?

b. Lali Esposito, is a singer.?

c. We are at home.?

d. They are popular in the USA.?

e. It is my e-mail address.?

no sé si se refería así :/ pero espero te sirva :D

AlanNahuel12: bueno amiga gracias aunque solamente uno esta bien
AlanNahuel12: y todos los copiaste
abortofallido15: no los copié >:c sólo me ganaron [cry]
AlanNahuel12: aahh bueno
AlanNahuel12: lo siento jeje
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