• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: johanda3010
  • hace 2 años

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Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

Respuestas: [Ver imagen adjunta]

| late | is | she | sometimes |

Answer She is late sometimes

Translation ① Ella llega tarde algunas veces.

| early | up | sister | never | Sundays | on | gets | my |

Answer My sister never gets up early on Sundays.

Translation ② Mi hermana nunca se levanta temprano los domingos.

| usually | he | goes | to | on | Fridays | the | cinema |

Answer He usually goes to the cinema on Fridays.

Translation ③ Él suele ir al cine los viernes.

| go | you | restaurant | often | a | do | how | to | ? |

Answer How often do you go to a restaurant?

Translation ④ ¿Con qué frecuencia vas a un restaurante?

| she | the | beach | to | always | goes | in | the | summer |

Answer She always goes to the beach in the summer.

Translation ⑤ Ella siempre va a la playa en verano.

| sometimes | her | does | she | Fridays | on | shopping |

Answer Sometimes she does her shopping on Fridays.

Translation ⑥ Algunas veces ella hace sus compras los viernes.

| go | we | twice | month | the | theatre | to | a |

Answer We go to the theater twice a month.

Translation ⑦ Nosotros vamos al teatro dos veces al mes.

| never | in |is| the | at | mornings | Peter | home |

Answer Peter is never at home in the mornings.

Translation ⑧ Peter nunca está en casa por las mañanas.

| he | work | rides | bike | to | his | often |

Answer He often rides his bike to work.

Translation ⑨ Él a menudo va en bicicleta a su trabajo.

| home | they | get | six o'clock | usually | at |

Answer They usually get home at six o'clock.

Translation ⑩ Ellos suelen llegar a casa a las seis en punto.

| every | homework | students | their | good | do | day |

Answer Good students do their homework every day.

Translation ⑪ Los buenos estudiantes hacen sus deberes todos los días.

| you | out | how | in | do | evenings | often | go | the | ? |

Answer How often do you go out in the evenings?

Translation ⑫ ¿Con qué frecuencia sales por las tardes?

Michael Spymore

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