• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 2 años

Alguien me puede ayudar es para hoy
. After reading the text, answer the following questions in complete sentences.
a) Which theory do you think is true about the origin of water on our planet?
b) Do you think water existed on other planets too? Write your conclusion. Use the past tense.

c) Find three or four words from the passage that you did not understand. Write them here and find their meaning in a dictionary.



Respuesta dada por: kg875126


a) I think that the origin of water is according to some experts, water could have appeared before we even appear.

b) No, i dont believe that water exists on other planets as we know it on earth, but it does appear in other forms and in other compounds.

c) appeared= give the impression of being (aparecer)

Scientists= person who studied science (cientifico)

essential= absolutely necessary (esencial)


espero te sirva!

priscilavera29: disculpa como se llama este libro de ingles de esa imagen
priscilavera29: que está puesta ahí de referencia
Respuesta dada por: maryherminiasap2rw39


Completamos el texto empleando los verbos proporcionados en tiempo pasado:

Water is an essential part of our planet. Without water, no life would be possible. We all learned about the water formula and its cycle in nature. We have also seen how much water there is in the oceans on maps, but. do we know how water appeared on our planet?

One of the most known theories says that arrived water in our planet because asteroids and comets have water in them in the form of ice. In the Pre-Cambrian era, thousands of meteorites hit the surface of Earth, causing great destruction. The water stayed on our surface and helped create life.

Another theory claims that water existed on Earth from the beginning. Scientists have discovered some asteroids as old as our planet and found evidence of water in them. According to some experts, water could have appeared before we even think.

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