• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nerlanis15
  • hace 1 año

Write questions and negations as in the example.
1Ter loves coffee. Does Terry love coffee? Terry doesn't love coffee.
2Adam studies arts.
3You are a good doctor.
4Sue flies planes.
5We do the dishes every night.
6The children jump all the time.

porfavor ayuda es hurgente ​​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


2. Does Adam study Arts? Adam doesn't study Arts.

3. Are you a good doctor? You aren't a good doctor.

4. Does Sue fly planes? Sue doesn't fly planes.

5. Do we do the dishes every night? We don't do the dishes every night.

6. Do the children jump all the time? The children don't jump all the time.


El Presente Simple Interrogativo. Se construye de la siguiente manera:.

Do / Does + Sujeto + Verbo en forma base + Complemento?

El Presente Simple Negativo. Se construye de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + don't / doesn't + Verbo en forma base + Complemento.

nerlanis15: gracias
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