• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lauvane1409
  • hace 1 año

Reescribe la primera oración en cada par en Emmbedded Question sobre la linea.

7. Have they found a flat?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

8. Did the teacher go on the training course?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

9. Did Julie like school?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

10. Will David get a new job?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

11. Whose socks are those?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

12. Where is the office?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

13. Who drinks coffee?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

14. How did it happen?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

15. Why will she be sleeping at 7pm?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

16. Will I pass the exam?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

17. Does Jenny own a car?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

18. Had I had dinner before I met Jack?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

19. Is the boss coming today?

I don’t know ______________________________________________________________.

20. Has Amanda got a new job?

I don’t know __​


Respuesta dada por: AlexisBul


7.- if they have found a flat

8.- if the teacher went on the training course

9.-  if Julie liked school

10.- if David will get a new job

11.- whose socks those are

12.- where the office is

13.- who drinks coffee

14.- how it happened

15.- why she'll be sleeping at 7pm

16.- if I'll pass the exam

17.- if Jenny owns a car

18.- if I'd had dinner before I met Jack

19.- if the boss is coming today

20.- if Amanda has got a new job


Espero te sea de ayuda en tu tarea, si así fue no olvides calificar, agradecer y dar coronita. Suerte y saludos! <3

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