• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: necesitoayuda12351
  • hace 1 año

Ayuda, si se roban los puntos háganlo, ya no me importa, pero si queda bondad, por favor ayúdeme gracias :*
Complete the sentences using with Present Perfect- Past simple or Past perfect
1. The train________________________(already/ leave) when I____________________(arrive) at the station.
2. He ____________________ (pass) his exam because he______________(work) hard all the year through.
3. There ________________(never /be) such beautiful pictures before he ____________(be) famous.
4. After he_______________ (Clean) the windows, Dad ______________(tidy) the house
5. Mum ________________(had) a very busy week , when she __________________(decide) to take some holidays.
6. My kids______________ (manage) to find all the eggs we_____________(hide) in the garden at Easter.
7. I________________(never/eat) chicken curry before I___________(go)to an Indian restaurant in London.
8. My sister___________(buy) a new car after she_________________(win) some money at the lottery.
9. By this time yesterday I __________________(already/correct all the test)
10. My neighbours_______________(tell) me they_____________________(enjoy) their last summer holidays in the alps.
11. When I________________(arrive) at the party, most of my friends________________(already/go) home.
12. The house _________(be) very quiet when I ________________(get) home, because everyone___________________(go) to bed.
13. The hotel where we_______________(stay) at Christmas _______________(be) dirty, no one __________________(do) the housework for weeks!!
1- Choose the correct words in italics in the text.
ACTION TOURS is a small, friendly company and we (0) have provided, provided many different specialist activity holiday for people since we started we (14) have begun / began In 2006 with only two types of holiday, but we (15) have grown/ grew every year since then and can now offer a wide range of tours.
Our most popular holidays are skiing and cycling. Our main ski trainer, Jules,
(16) has taught/ taught skiing for nearly twenty years. Suraya is our cycling tour leader- She (17) has taken/ took part in the National Championships three times and she
(18) has finished / finished fifth last year.
This year we (19) have organized/ organized over twenty activity holiday- already more than we (20) have done / did last year, when we (8) have provided/ provided a total of eighteen. Take a look at our website.


Respuesta dada por: Vivianita43


Ejercicio 1 = Está en orden

had already left / arrived

had passes / worked

had never been / was

had cleaned / tidied

had had / decided

managed / had hidden

had never eaten / went

bought / had won

had already corrected

told / had enjoyed

arrived / had already gone

was / got / had gone

stayed / was / had done

Ejercicio 2 = Está en orden

have provided,  



have grown

has taught

has taken


have organized

did last year


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