• Asignatura: Matemáticas
  • Autor: vegajesus12345
  • hace 1 año

Determina si, en cada caso, es posible construir una función afín con los puntos dados. (0,1), (2,5) y (−1, −1). ​


Respuesta dada por: bettymmgarces


APPLICATION OF SCHOOL PROJECTS and the inclusion of the ethos of the different areas of knowledge and the classification of the same of the work of today persists in graphing and painting two examples of the classification of the same of the work of today persists in graphing and painting two examples of the classification of the same of the work of today persists in graphing and painting two examples of the classification of the same of the work of the

Respuesta dada por: pinedanahiara764


yo no entiendo tanto de matemáticas y menos de lengua para eso a mí no me da la cabeza ‍♀️

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