• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danacano1026
  • hace 1 año

there was a girl at the door (-) y (?)

there were two children there (-) y (?)

there was a doctor un my family (-) y(?)

there were very Happy people in the town (-) y (?)

there were famous writers (-) y (?)

alguien que me ayude por favor ​

kareeenit: Was there a girl at the door?
kareeenit: Were there two children there?
kareeenit: Was there a doctor un my family?
kareeenit: Were there very Happy people in the town?
kareeenit: Were there famous writers?
danacano1026: gracias
kareeenit: De nada :)


Respuesta dada por: danisnayalir




Respuesta dada por: kareeenit


There wasn't a girl at the door

Was there a girl at the door?

there weren't two children there

Were there two children there?

there wasn't a doctor un my family

Was there a doctor un my family?

there weren't very Happy people in the town

Were there very Happy people in the town?

there weren't famous writers

Were there famous writers?


Para pasar una oración una oración afirmativa a negativa simplemente le debes agregar "not" después de was/were. Wasn't es la contracción de was not y weren't es la contracción de were not.

Para pasar una oración afirmativa a interrogativa se debe cambiar el orden entre "there" y "was/were". En una oración afirmativa primero va there y en una oración interrogativa primero va was/were:

Afirmativa: There was/were...

Interrogativa: Was/were there...?

danacano1026: gracias me ayudó mucho
kareeenit: Me alegra ;)
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