• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rocioretamozo35
  • hace 2 años

presente simple: forma afirmativa y negativa. Completar con verbo en la forma correcta
4 a)Thomas_____________(Drive) a tractor.
b)He__________________(not/Drive) a truck
5 a) He_________________(wake up) early
b) He ________________(not/wake up) late
6 a) I always________________(put) a place on the table.
b)I _______________(not/put) in on the chair
7 a)They_______________(go) for a walk.
b) They ______________(not/go) home. ​


Respuesta dada por: AlexisBul


4a. Thomas drives a tractor

4b. He doesn't drive a truck

5a. He wakes up early

5b. He doesn't wake up late

6a. I always put a place on the table

6b. I don't put in on the chair

7a. They go for a walk

7b. They don't go home


Cuando usas He / She / It al final del verbo se suele agregar una "S" (He drives, she eats, it plays) eso en afirmativo.

En negativo se coloca doesn't (does not) y agregando el verbo en infinitivo. (He doesn't play, she doesn't eat, it doesn't play).

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