• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danielcastillo0110
  • hace 2 años

primer condicional porfa



Respuesta dada por: s0m3on3
  1. If you don't hurry, we will be late.
  2. If Henrico passes his exam he will be happy.
  3. However, if Hernico fails, he won't be very happy.
  4. If you stay awake all night, you will be very tired tomorrow.
  5. Alan won't win the lottery if he doesn't buy any ticket.
  6. If you eat too much chocolate you will become fat.
  7. We won't go to the restaurant if you're not hungry.
  8. If Rick drives too fast he will have an accident.
  9. Her father will be angry if she goes to this party.
  10. I will allow you to take my car if you drive slowly.

Espero haberte ayudado, si es así no dudes marcarme como mejor respuesta y darme un corazón :)

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