• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mayrasolanoperdomo20
  • hace 1 año

Complete the text with the correct present, past or future form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.

I ¹ ---------- ( Want ) to be a vet ever since I was little. I ² ---------- ( Not have ) any brothers or sisters and so I ³ ---------- ( Do ) everything with my dog, Goldie, when I ⁴ ---------- ( Grow up ). Goldie was my best friend ! These days we ⁵ ---------- ( Have ) another dog, sparkle, a cat, two rabbits and two budgerigars, and I ⁶ ---------- ( Look ) after them all. At the moment the cat isn't well, so I ⁷ ---------- ( Let ) her sleep in my room so I can take care of her. When I ⁸ ---------- ( Wake ) up this morning the ⁹ ---------- ( Sleep ) on my bed and she ¹⁰ ---------- ( Look ) very happy ! Next month I ¹¹ ---------- ( Start ) working on a farm one day a week. I ¹² ---------- ( Work ) with cows, sheep and horses and I hope that I ¹³ ---------- ( Gain ) Some useful experiencie with farm animals by the time I go to university.

Ayudanme por favor lo necesito
El que sepa le doy coronita Plis ❤​


Respuesta dada por: tar1a
1. Wanted
2. Don’t have
3. Did
4. Grew up
5. Got
6. Look
7. Let
8. Woke
9. Slept
10. Looked
11. Will start
12. Will work
13. Will gain

mayrasolanoperdomo20: Muchas gracias
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