Cuáles son las tres maneras de usar la graduación y la repetición en el plano seríado realiza un ejemplo de cada una de ellas
Respuesta: Every volume is made up of a succession
of planes, so a serial plane is the
representation of a volume through planes
separated and placed successively one after the other.
They represent the cross section of
said volume. Because every plane is
equivalent to a module, it can be modified
in its shape, size and location.
The position of every object is related
directly with the space that contains it, if the
planes are placed parallel one after another, the
their position will be elementary and there will be no
a variation in its direction. On the other hand if the
plane moves about its axis forward or
to the side, distortion will occur on the line
conceptual design, but there will be a variation
position of the elements within the space,
that gives us movement within the design. For other
part the planes may have a movement towards
up or down. If these are suspended in the
space, there is an upward movement, or if
are attached to a flat base, movement can
be down. Both are generated by means of
reduction in size, which creates the illusion of
that each element is being placed in a
plane inferior to the previous one