• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yumikotakayima2107
  • hace 1 año

Completa las frases con el sujeto y la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis
a)_______________ English? (she / teach)
No.__________. (she)
_______________ Geography. (she / teach)
b)_______________ meat? (he / eat)
No,_______________. (he)
___________________meat. (he / eat X)
c)_______________TV at the weekends? (they / watch)
Yes,__________. (they)
_______________TV every day. (they / watch


Respuesta dada por: JustAlex313

a) Does she teach English?

No. she doesn't.

She teaches Geography.

b) Does he eat meat?

No, he doesn't.

c) Do they watch TV at the weekends?

Yes, they do.

They watch TV every day.


El verbo "do" se le agrega s cuando se habla de He/She/It

por eso en algunos pongo "Does" y en otros "do" lo mismo cuando es en negativo "Doesn't" "Don't"

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