-- 1 Complete the texts with was/were or there was there were in the correct for Nelson Wandela was the winner of the Nobel Prize in 1993 He 1 a political activist- he wanted equality for black people Years ago, in South Africa. 2 policy called apartheid black people and white people in the country, but their lives 4 completely separate Life $ much more difficult for black people Nelson Mandela 6 in prison for 27 vears. Then in 1901 democratic elections for the first time in South Africa After that landela 8 the president until Lille has had an extraordinary life
Hola es que hoy en mi clase nos han puesto este texto y mis amigos y yo no lo hemos podido resolver os lo pedimos de corazón.
Respuestas en negrita:
Nelson Mandela was the winner of the Nobel Prize in 1993. He ① was a political activist- he wanted equality for black people. Years ago, in South Africa, ② there was a policy called apartheid, ③ there were black people and white people in the country, but their lives ④ were completely separate. Life ⑤ was much more difficult for black people. Nelson Mandela ⑥ was in prison for 27 vears. Then in 1994 ⑦ there were democratic elections for the first time in South Africa. After that, Mandela ⑧ was the president until 1999. He has had an extraordinary life.
Nelson Mandela fue el ganador del Premio Nobel en 1993. Él ① era un activista político y quería igualdad para los negros. Hace años, en Sudáfrica, ② había una política llamada apartheid, ③ había personas negras y blancas en el país, pero sus vidas ④ estaban completamente separadas. La vida ⑤ era mucho más difícil para los negros. Nelson Mandela ⑥ estuvo en prisión durante 27 años. Luego, en 1994, ⑦ hubo elecciones democráticas por primera vez en Sudáfrica. Después de eso, Mandela ⑧ fue presidente hasta 1999. Él ha tenido una vida extraordinaria.