Dan Fool committed a crime. He burgled into a house and stole 1 money from it. Then he went home and began to count 2. He had nearly 3000 pounds and was very pleased with 3. Then Dan turned on the radio and suddenly he heard 4 talking about the burglary on the news. The owner of the house- Mrs. Loy said that 4000 pounds had been stolen. After these words Dan counted money again and looked to see if 5 had fallen on the floor, but there wasn't_6 there. The burglar was very angry, he thought to 7 that Mrs. Loy kept a thousand pounds for 8 and wanted to blame the thief for it all. So he picked up 9 mobile and phoned the radio station. He said that he had stolen only 3000 not 4000 pounds. The reporter kept 10 talking while the police used 11 new technology to trace the call, and Dan was quickly arrested. The police found the other 1000 pounds lying in the street, where the unfortunate burglar had dropped 12 as he ran away from the house........ayudaaaa​


Respuesta dada por: luissalinasmendoza9


76ubu u jk kk kbvcjcjxkckc

nicolaspas2008: mal respuesta no ayuda para nada
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