• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: joseluismiquilenabla
  • hace 1 año

B. Convierte las siguientes oraciones a preguntas utilizando la palabra interrogativa que está entre paréntesis.
• Joel is buying some candies. (What)
What is Joel buying?
1. You are studying in the living room now. (Where)
2. They are watching a good movie. (What)
3. He is eating a lot of food. (Why)
4. Samuel is reading a magazine. (What)
5. I am playing tennis every Saturday. (When)

6. The students are working with their parents. (Who)
7. Karen is swimming in the pool. (What)
8. I am feeling sad. (Why)

danielavillota142010: de que grado eres


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. Where are you studying now?

2. What are they watching?

3. Why is he eating a lot of food?

4. What is Samuel reading?

5. When are you playing tennis?

6. Who are working with their parents?

7. What is Karen doing ?

8. Why are you feeling sad?


Las Wh questions de presente progresivo. se construyen de la siguiente manera:

Wh + Verbo to Be + Sujeto + Complemento?.

comidasrapidasdondej: gracias
comidasrapidasdondej: oks
comidasrapidasdondej: holaaa
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