60. A fruit shop sells bananas at 40 per
dozen or a banana for 5. How much
will it cost to buy 99 bananas ?
1) 335 20 320 3) 300 4) 495


Respuesta dada por: Smirley


60. A greengrocer sells bananas at 40 percent.

dozen or a banana for 5. How much

Will it cost to buy 99 bananas?

1) 335 20320 3) 300 4) 495

The problem tells us that in a greengrocer they sell bananas at 40% per dozen or a banana for 5 soles

it asks us how much 99 bananas will cost


we multiply 5 × 99 = 495

the answer is the number 4) 495.

Explicación paso a paso:

I hope it helps you.... :)

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