1. What does Gracia do? (What’s her occupation?)
2. How many hours of free time does she have?
3. What does she do in her free time?
4. What does Diego do? What does Cecilia do?
5. How many hours of free time do they have?
6. Who makes bread in his free time?
7. Who paints in her free time?
8. What other activities do Diego and Cecilia do?

Después de leer la información personal (person´s information) de Gracia, Diego y Cecilia se responden las siguientes preguntas en presente simple:
1. What does Gracia do? (What’s her occupation?)
Gracia is an English teacher.
2. How many hours of free time does she have?
She has 2 hours every day.
3. What does she do in her free time?
She puts on beauty masks, reads books and plays with her dog.
4. What does Diego do? What does Cecilia do?
Diego and Cecilia are 9th grade students.
5. How many hours of free time do they have?
They have 5 hours every day.
6. Who makes bread in his free time?
Diego makes bread in his free time.
7. Who paints in her free time?
Cecilia paints in her free time.
8. What other activities do Diego and Cecilia do?
They take pictures and play the guitar.
¿Cuándo se usa el presente simple?
Cuando se hace referencia a las acciones que se hacen de forma constante en el presente. En las oraciones afirmativas, los verbos en presente simple se les agrega la terminación “es” o “s” para la los pronombres: he, she, it (tercera persona singular). En el caso de los pronombres: I, we, they, solo se usa la raíz del verbo.
Para ver más oraciones en presente simple en inglés consulta aquí: brainly.lat/tarea/52593881