• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pilar2776
  • hace 1 año

¿ sabes de ingles ? si sabes o eres bueno en ello ayúdame, te daré corazón y estrellita

I .Fill in the blanks with will or going to,applying the category in the parenthesis.

1.I_______________check my Wh@ts@pp messages. (plans )

2. Maybe we_________ watch a movie on N€tflix. ( dreams )

3. I have to research about Covid-19, I__________ look for information on the Internet.( prediction )

4. I am bored. I__________ probably listen to music on Sp0tify.( plans )

5. I can’t find the address. Perhaps, I___________find it using Google maps.( facts )

6. My dad _____________ go to Los Santos next week ( prediction ). He thinks he__________ download Waze to avoid the police ( facts ) .

7. My mother_________create a new Gmail account because she receives lots of spams.( plans )

8. I_________ read the news.( plans ) I guess__________ use TVN app. ( facts )

9. I am hungry. I _____call Appetito24. ( prediction )

10. My sister________ travel to Europe next year.( predictions ) She______________ probably buy the tickets on line . ( promises ) ​​


Respuesta dada por: suarezcarlos21


no se ingles sorry


pilar2776: entonces por que respondes?
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