• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dayania780
  • hace 2 años

The bicycle is 0-- cheap and clean way to travel. The first bicycle 28__
made about one hundred and fifty years ago. At first, bicycles were
expensive. Only rich people . 29 __ buy one. These early bicycles looked
very different from the ones we have today. Later,30__ bicycles became
cheaper, many people 31__ buy one. People started riding bicycles to
work and in 32 __free time.
Today, people use cars more than bicycles; cars are much 33-- and you
don't get wet when it rains! But some people 34-- prefer to cycle to work.
They say that 35__ are too many cars in town centres and you can't find
anywhere to park!

28 A was B is C were
29 A must B could C may
30 A when B if C that
31 A buy B buys C bought
32 A their B his C its
33 A fast B faster C fastest
34 A yet B still C already
35 A they B there C here



Respuesta dada por: ovalleangeles01

Respuesta: 28- was 29-could 30-that 31-buy 32-their  33- faster 34- still  35-here


was: estaba could: poder that: eso buy: comprar their: sus faster: mas rapido still: todavia here: aqui

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