• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: 250494
  • hace 1 año

1.-Write sentences or questions with already or yet.

They / buy their math books. (already)

2.- Complete the dialogue with the present perfect or simple past.

A: Oh, no! I've seen this movie before! (see)

B: Really? When ______ it? (see)

A: I ________ to the movies in March, and it was in the theaters then. (go)

B: Oh, never mind. I ________ to the movies in ages. The last movie I ______ was Mamma Mia! (not be, see)

A: _____ it? (enjoy)

B: Of course! I _______ it! (love)

3.- Answer with Nobody, Nowhere, or Nothing. Write complete sentences.

What did you do last night?

Where did you go yesterday?

Who did you see?


Respuesta dada por: JorgeNitales666



1.-Write sentences or questions with already or yet.

They have already bought their math books. (already)

have they bought their math books yet?

2.- Complete the dialogue with the present perfect or simple past.

A: Oh, no! I've seen this movie before! (see)

B: Really? When have you seen it? (see)

A: I _went_ to the movies in March, and it was in the theaters then. (go)

B: Oh, never mind. I _haven't been to the movies in ages. The last movie I saw was Mamma Mia! (not be, see)

A: have you enjoyed it? (enjoy)

B: Of course! I loved it! (love)

3.- Answer with Nobody, Nowhere, or Nothing. Write complete sentences.


What did you do last night?

I did nothing but playing videgames

Where did you go yesterday?

Nowhere, i stayed at home all day

Who did you see?

I saw nobody, all my friends were busy.


sha estaaaaa

pst chup;ala adrikba si lees esto xdxdxd

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