• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yesica090517
  • hace 1 año

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the First Conditional.
1 If my aunt comes to visit, she .......................... (give) us a present.
2 If it doesn’t rain, we .......................... (go) to the beach.
3 If it .......................... (snow) tonight, we will make a snowman tomorrow.
4 If you don’t try, you .......................... (not succeed).
5 If you .......................... (bring) the sandwiches for the picnic, I will bring the drinks.
6 If he talks too long, his parents .......................... (not let) him use the phone.
7 He will turn on the heater if it .......................... (get) too cold.
8 You won’t understand the questions unless you .......................... (read) the book.


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. will give

2. will go

3. snows

4. won't succeed

5. bring

6. won't let

7. gets

8. read


El Primer Condicional. se forma con esta estructura: If + presente simple, will + infinitivo. Se usa para hablar de lo que pasará en el futuro si se cumple una condición. La forma negativa puede ser con don't, doesn't o won't, dependiendo de lo que quieres decir.

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