• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yosoynule
  • hace 2 años

Put the verbs in brackets into the PRESENT SIMPLE form:
At the weekend Arthur (wake up) 1............................... at seven thirty, but he (not/get up) 2.............................. quickly, he usually (stay) 3...................................... in bed and (watch)4………………………….. television. At midday his cousin Sophie (arrive) 5..................................... at his house and (do) 6.................................... the homework with him.
Arthur and Sophie (be) 7…………………………… nineteen, they both (go) 8…………………….…. to the same university and (have) 9……………………… a lot of exams.
At midday they (not/eat) 10...................................... lunch,
Arthur just (have) 11…………………………….… some snacks and Sophie (make) 12………………………………….. a sandwich for her.
She (not/like) 13……………………………………. cooking very much.
In the afternoon Arthur (text) 14………………………..……. his friends and Sophie also(go) 15………………………..…. out with all of them.
On Sunday Arthur (not/be) 16……………..………….. busy, so he (not/stay) 17…………..……………… in. He and his family (eat) 18....................... lunch together because his grandfather (cook) 19…………………………a barbecue.
On Mondays I (not/be) 20………………..……… at home, I (see) 21….…..……………… Arthur at the university, but we (not/have) 22…………………..……………….. the same subjects.
We both (take) 23.………………………….. the same bus home.​


Respuesta dada por: JV57


1. wakes up

2. doesn't get up

3. stays

4. watches

5. arrives

6. does

7. are

8. go

9. have

10. don't eat

11. has

12. makes

13. doesn't like

14. texts

15. goes

16. isn't

17. doesn't stay

18. eat

19. cooks

20. am not

21. see

22. don't have

23. take

Corona plz

yosoynule: no sé quién sos pero te amo <3
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