• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: stevencaicedo2021
  • hace 1 año

Complete this text with the verbs of the box. Use past simple. Five

years ago, Mike (1)____________ to Argentina with a dream. He (2) ____________ to study in  the Faculty of Medicine at the Universidad de Buenos Aires He. So, He (3)_________ medicine in the UBA for 5 long years. He also (4)__________ in the library of the University to make a living. He (5)_________ in Buenos Aires in a small apartment in Palermo. After 5 demanding years, He finally (6)___________ as a doctor in a touching ceremony.  Mike always _(7) __________ his life in Buenos Aires. ·     

   Live                       *love                     * work                  *study ·        Travel                   * want                  * graduate    

me ayudan?​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


1. travelled

2. wanted

3. studied

4. worked

5. lived

6. graduated

7. loved


Todos los anteriores son Verbos Regulares. Cuando los cambiamos a pasado se les agrega D o ED.

stevencaicedo2021: aaaa ya muchísimas gracias
stevencaicedo2021: ♥️
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