• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jhonpy16
  • hace 9 años

alguien que me pueda ayudar con un dialogo en ingles de tres personas de la celebración de la noche buena se lo agradecería


Respuesta dada por: danydedepa197321

Bob: What are you going to do this Christmas, Bill?

Bill: Well, today after work I’m going to catch the train back to my town. I’m going to spend it with my parents up in the north.

Bob: Nice!

Bill: Yeah, I guess it’s going to be cold and rainy as usual, but it’ll be nice to see my parents. It’s been a while.

Bob: And when are you coming back?

Bill: I’ll be back after New Year’s. I start work again on the 2nd of January. How about you? What are you going to do for Christmas?

Bob: Oh you know, my in-laws are coming to town.

Bill: Ah, the in-laws…

Bob: Yes, the in-laws…

Bill: That’s always fun.

Bob: Yeah. Well, they’ll be here for three days. And we’re going to celebrate at home, with the family. We can’t really travel with the baby.

Bill: True. It’s her first Christmas, isn’t it?

Bob: Yeah, her first! She was born in February.

Bill: Great! Well, gotta go. I’ve got a lot to finish before I leave. Merry Christmas!

Bob: Merry Christmas!

espero te sirva 

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