• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maryperez6016
  • hace 8 años

5 oraciones con la palabra him


Respuesta dada por: jazmo
Mary play soccer with him

Joshep wants to eat with him

Astrid go to the cinema with him

Josh runs between him

Jonnie eat on the table between him

maryperez6016: Gracias :)
Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

5 Oraciones con la palabra "Him".

  1. I have been waiting HIM for almost two hours straight. / He estado esperándolo por casi dos horas completas.
  2. I think that phone belongs to HIM. / Creo que ese teléfono le pertenece a él.
  3. She have been told by HIM, that she was invited. / A ella le dijo él que estaba invitada.
  4. They are talking about the class and HIM. / Ellos están hablando de la clase y de él.
  5. We have been asking to HIM, to come with us. / Le estuvimos pidiendo a él que viniese con nosotros.

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