por favor haber si ordenan estas palabras
1. told they to tickets buy us the
2. her told he to again say lines the
3. not cry he me told to
4. them we told song the listen to
5. dance told I them laugh and to
6. she us to not told costumes the wear
Respuestas en negrita:
1. told they to tickets buy us the
Answer 1: They told us to buy the tickets.
Translation 1: Ellos nos dijeron que comprásemos los boletos.
2. her told he to again say lines the
Answer 2: He told her to say the lines again.
Translation 2: Él le dijo a ella que dijera las líneas otra vez.
3. not cry he me told to
Answer 3: He told me not to cry.
Translation 3: Él me dijo que no llorase.
4. them we told song the listen to
Answer 4: We told them listen to the song.
Translation 4: Nosotros les dijimos que escucharan la canción.
5. dance told I them laugh and to
Answer 5: I told them to dance and laugh.
Translation 5: Yo les dije que bailaran y rieran.
6. she us to not told costumes the wear
Answer 6: She told us not to wear the costumes.
Translation 6: Ella nos dijo que no nos pusiéramos los disfraces.