Underline must and must not in the rules under the illustrations below.
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Dumpsters = garbage container / stairwells = opening containing a stairway.
. Underline must and must not in the rules under the illustrations below:
1. Residents must put garbage in Dumpsters (Los residentes deben poner la basura en los contenedores de basura) ← Affirmative verb
2. Residents must park in assigned spaces or on the street (Los residentes deben estacionarse en los espacios asignados o en la calle) ← Affirmative
3. Residents must keep their dogs on leashes and their cats indoors (Los residentes deben mantener a sus perros con correa y a sus gatos adentro) ← Affirmative verb
4. Residents must not smoke in common areas (Los residentes no deben fumar en áreas comunes) ← Negative verb
5. Residents must not leave personal belongings in their laundry room (Los residentes no deben dejar pertenencias personales en su cuarto de lavado) ← Negative verb
6. Residents must not make noise in the stairwells (Los residentes no deben hacer ruido en las escaleras) ← Negative verb