• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: geuseppegaspar
  • hace 2 años

cual es la pronunciacion de este texto Good afternoon teacher
The sport I'm going to talk about today is taekwondo
Your home country is Korea
How to practice taekwondo
Taekwondo is a martial art and Olympic sport that stands out for its kicking techniques, normally focused on attacking the trunk or the head. Although in its beginnings the attacks to the feet were enhanced, by sweeping. Or even to the body, and neck through traps to promote a knockdown.
Where is taewondo practiced
South Korea is the father of Taekwondo and thanks to him that country has obtained a hegemonic place in international sport, including the Olympic Games. But if there is one Asian country that can beat South Korea at its own game, it is Iran.
• Do-Bok. It is the white uniform, made up of two pieces, the jacket and the pants, this is tied with a colored belt (from white to black, depending on the level you have). ...
• Overalls. ...
• Helmet. ...
• Forearm protections. ...
• Shin pads. ...
• Chest protector. ...
• Buccal.
If i would like to play
not really because I don't like it


Respuesta dada por: vslaux


gud afternun ticher

di esport aim goin tu tolk tuday is taekuwondo

yor jom cauntri is coria

jau tu practis taekuwondo

taekuwondo is a marshal art end an olimpiq espor dat estands aut for its kiquing tecnics, nurmali focus on attakin di trunc or di jed


lo demas ponlo en el traducor y dale a escuchar para que practiques :) suerte

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