alguie me ayudaaa porfa doy corinita el que me ayude con la tarea porfa
Bloque 1:
- drinks
- does/likes
- doesn't
- visit
- go
- do/come
- do/want
- don't
Bloque 2:
No entendí el bloque dos, quizá otra persona pueda ayudarte
1 :Bob always drink tea in the morning
2:what does she like?
3:my sister doesn't play tenis
4:they often visit their grandfathers at weekends
5:we sometime go to the ice rink
6:where does your parents comes from?
7:do you want to go home?
8:i don't watch television after school
(en los siguientes no estoy muy segura)
1:who is sally visiting in spain she is visiting her aunt and uncle.
2:does tom (goes or go) to school by bus?no,he donesn't.he.(goes or go)to school on foot.
3:what is she watching on tv.she is watching the news but she doesn't watch soap operas
4:do they like swimming?yes,they do,but they doesn't like running.
5:when are you goin't to a football match?
i will go to a football match on sundays
no estoy muy segura pero espero y te ayude :3