• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariaarellano2004
  • hace 8 años

necesito cinco oraciones con IN y cinco con ON


Respuesta dada por: martaredf
i live in Madrid
his mother is in that house
get in the car
we need to get in the house
my phone is in my bag

planes fly on the sky
i was on TV last night
theres a dog on the table
put it on the chair
the pencil is on the floor
Respuesta dada por: xStylesWife1x
I love go to cinema on Saturday.
My birthday is on April 6th
I go to frech school on Tuesday
He lives on Liverpool Street
They visit me on December

I borned in 1975.
She lives in England
I went in January
My grandma lives in Mexico
I go to school in the morning.

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