ayuda porfavor
alguien que me quiera ayudar a responder unas 3 hojas más que tengo que presntar el día de hoy me pueden escribir a mi wuatsap
+593986801919 les agradecería

¡Hola, cris25alex! :D
➤ Exercise 1:
• watch => watches
• play => plays
• read => reads
• practise => practises
• ride => rides
• cry => cries
• buy => buys
• brush => brushes
• tidy => tidies
• wear => wears
• live => lives
• enjoy => enjoys
➤ Exercise 2:
1- Charlie sometimes tidies his room. (to tidy)
2- Christine does her homework. (to do)
3- Tom and Charlie take photos. (to take)
4- Sarah often buys new dresses. (to buy)
5- The dog always runs in the park. (to run)
6- They always eat at one o'clock. (to eat)
7- My mother wears long dresses. (to wear)
8- My friend needs glasses. (to need)
9- We often talk to our friends. (to talk)
10- My sister and I go to the cinema on Saturdays. (to go)
11- I look at the birds when I go to the park. (to look)
12- My cousin uses his laptop every day. (to use)
13- We drink orange juice. (to drink)
14- Mary always brushes her hair. (to brush)
15- My grandparents live in France. (to live)
➜ En Present Simple — Affirmative, conjugamos el verbo cuando está con la 3ra persona singular: He, she y it; le agregamos -s, -es o -ies al verbo (según el verbo). ✔️
➜ Cuando está con estos Sujetos: I, you, we y they; no le agregamos al verbo -s, -es o -ies. ❌
➪ Ejemplos:
• Eva cooks spaghetti at night.
• My cousins play football every Sunday.
Eva => She (Ella)
My cousins -- Mis primos/as => They (Ellos/as)
• Sí quieres ver más sobre esté Tema: https://brainly.lat/tarea/47317022
Espero haberte ayudado! :D
Sí no entiendes algo, no dudes en preguntarme.✨
• Salu2! (^^)/ ❤️