• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: natigibajabanto
  • hace 2 años

menciona una oración con how much​

axelarizaga500: orita pera


Respuesta dada por: guerrerobrithany37


te doy 10


1. How much water is in the bottle?

2. How much milk is in the fridge?

3. How much do you want?

4. How much money do you have in your pocket?

5. How much sugar do you want?

6. How much does the apples weight?

7. How much does the couch cost?

8. How much salt is there?

9. How much does the guitar cost?

10. How much coffe is there?

How many:

mogliporty: me ayudas con mi ultima pregunta pls doy corona
Respuesta dada por: dievera21


How much thinking did you put into this? (¿Cuánto pensaste esto?) How much heat do you need for the cake? (¿Cuánto calor necesitas para la torta?) How many days has it been raining so far? (¿Cuántos días hace que está lloviendo?) How much do you miss her? (¿Cuánto la extrañas?)


si te gusto me das una corona xfa

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