• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: danielriver
  • hace 9 años

oraciones afirmativas con Became


Respuesta dada por: lupitita2014
I see the sky and how it becomes clear.
He often becomes sad when he watches a film.

Other examples :

***********Present Continuous

I am becoming used to living in Canada.

*********Present Perfect

He has become a new person since he left her.

****Present Perfect Continuous

They have been becoming more and more anxious these past few days.

************Past Simple

Alice became angry when she heard the news.

*****************Past Continuous

He was becoming used to his new life when he had to move again.

**************Past Perfect

Jack had become familiar with the account before the manager arrived.

*************Past Perfect Continuous

She had been becoming more and more anxious before he finally said yes.

**************Future (will)

We will become friends. I'm sure!

***************Future (going to)

He is going to become director soon.

****************Future Continuous

My aunt will be becoming used to the sun this time next week.

****************************Future Perfect

It will have become perfectly normal by the end of next week.

************************Future Possibility

She might become angry will you tell her.

************************Real Conditional

If he becomes director, I will become vice-president.

*******************Unreal Conditional

If she became ill, she would visit a doctor.

***************Past Unreal Conditional

If she had become the boss, I would have left the company.

***************Present Modal

You should become the next leader.

****************Past Modal

They might have become rich!
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