• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: stivencuero95
  • hace 2 años

hola alguien me ayuda en esto de Inglés por fis doy estrella y Coronita se los agradecería mucho. ;)​ (ojo el que no sepa no responda o reporto)​



Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


A. Add S or ES to the verbs.

2. takes

3. brushes

4. kisses

5. calls

6. gives

7. plays

8. studies

9. watches

10. helps

11. cuts

12. cries

13. swims

14. wakes


16. loses

17. catches

18. buys

19. passes

20. comes

21. fights

22. waters

23. chooses

24. flies

25. matches

26. carries

B. Negative Sentences.

2. don't

3. doesn't

4. doesn't

5. doesn't

6. don't

7. don't

8. don't

9. doesn't

10. don't

C. Questions with Do or Does..

3. Do the girls play football?.

4. Does the cat like to drink milk?.

5. Do you speak English or French?

6. Does he read books?

7. Do the children go to school on Fridays?

8. Does she like cats?

9. Do they play tennis?

10. Does he like birds?


Pd: En la Parte B ejercicicios 11 y 12 aparecen borrosos. Pero si el Sujeto es Singular referente a Mujer , Hombre, un lugar, un animal u objeto se coloca Doesn't .

Y si es referente a I ( yo) you ( usted) o sustantivos en Plural es Don't

stivencuero95: muchas gracias
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