1. I wasn't at the sports centre on Wednesday.
2. The children weren't at school yesterday.
3. Susan and Tessa weren't at the cinema yesterday.
4. The party wasn't last week.
5. Peter and I weren't in the garden.
6. I wasn't in England last year.
7. Tom and Sally weren't in the classroom.
8. I wasn't at home last night.
9. My grandfather wasn't a doctor.
10. The test wasn't difficult.
Was/were + not es la forma negativa del pasado del verbo to be.
Was + not -> Wasn't
Were + not -> Weren't
· Wasn't corresponde a la primera persona del singular (I) y a la tercera persona del singular (he, she, it), cuando hablamos de 1 persona.
· Weren't se usa para las demás personas (you, we, they), cuando hablamos de más de 1 persona.
Es por eso que cuando mencionan a dos personas (Tom and Sally, Susan and Tessa, Peter and I...) usamos weren't.