• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Julio191
  • hace 9 años

2 oraciones por cada palabra en ingles con brigtly,crazily,gently,intelligently,cheer fully en superlativo y comparativo y quetengan un verbo?


Respuesta dada por: Lovecraft09

1.- The moon has soared high in the sky and it illuminates the forest today more brightly than yesterday.

2.- Maria´s play role today was performed the most brightly way in the whole season.


3.- He drove the car in the most crazily fashion he could. Happily, he didn´t have a crash.


4.- Peter behaved more crazily than John during the party. I guess they were dead drunk.


5.- Donald Trump did a presidential campaing more intelligently than Senator Clinton.

6.- Jack solved the problem the most intelligently manner ever possible.

7.- He shared his knowledge more cheerfully than his brother did.

8.- He danced all night in the most cheerfully way he could never imagined before. And he won the dancing tournament!

Julio191: gracias pero te falto gently
Lovecraft09: Joanne used to be the most gently person at work.
Tell him even more gently, he is wrong. Remember, be courteous.
Julio191: muchas gracias
Lovecraft09: No. 5 Suena aún mejor si dices: "Donald Trump ran a presidential campaign more intelligently than Senator Clinton.
Lovecraft09: No. 8 Escribe en tu tarea mejor esto: "He danced all night in the most cheerfully way he could ever imagine before. And he won the dancing tournament!" Al revisar me percaté de un pequeño error en el ejemplo.
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