• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: usuariadebrainlylat
  • hace 2 años

Escribir las siguientes oraciones y con base a la respuesta colocar la WH-
QUESTION correspondiente:

1. __________ did you meet your wife? I met my wife at the university.
2. __________ do you like buying computers? Becausr computers are very interesting and
3._________ was the movie? The movie was funny.
4. __________ did you go to the party with? I went with the party with Laura and Michael.
5.__________ is your sister’s name? My sister’s name is Martha.
6.__________ is your birthday? My birthday is on July 4th
7. __________ many brothers do you have? I have 5 brothers.
8.__________ often does she visit her family? She visits her family 3 times a month.
9. __________ color are her eyes? Her eyes are green.
10. __________ are your parents? They are my parents.
11. __________ time is it? It’s eight o’clock}
12. __________ are they tired? Because they were all afternoon in the pool.
ayuda por favor espinozacondorijoseg no responda solo por los puntos por que se la saben y quieren ayudar a los demás


Respuesta dada por: dominiqueriosdelgado


  1. Where  
  2. Why  
  3. How  
  4. Who  
  5. What
  6. When
  7. How
  8. How  
  9. What
  10. Who  
  11. What
  12. Why

usuariadebrainlylat: gracias esto si me sirve
dominiqueriosdelgado: De nada :3
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