• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: paolavalanetina864
  • hace 9 años

POR FAVOR ALGUIEN ME DICE SI ESTA BIEN ES PARA MAÑANA :(, I get up at 6, go to the bathroom and brush, I take a shower, I put on the school uniform and make-up, then I leave my house and walk 2 blocks until I get to school, I see 3 classes and at 11: 55 am I leave school and go to my house, I warm up the lunch that my mother left me, like and I see the novel give me chocolate that they spend at 12 o'clock, then I bathe and I put on my uniform again, I go to classes and I leave at 5:20 and I go to my house to go to bed, a few hours later I eat dinner and I go to take a shower and then I talk to my boyfriend two hours and I say goodbye to him to sleep


Respuesta dada por: Lovecraft09

I get up at 6:00 a.m. Then I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and take a shower. Afterward, I put on my school uniform and make-up. Then, I leave home and walk two blocks to school. I take three classes and at 11: 55 a.m. I leave school and go back to home. I heat the lunch that my mother previously prepared me and watch the soup opera on t.v. while I am drinking a cup of steaming chocolate. Then I take a shower and put on my uniform again and go to classes until 5: 20 p.m. Then I go back home again and take a little nap on my bed. A few hours later I have dinner and take the last shower of the day. After taking the last shower of the day, I usually talk with my boyfriend for about two hours. Then I say goodbye to him and go to sleep. 

paolavalanetina864: graciassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Lovecraft09: Ojo: Novela televisada es Sopup Opera. Si es un libro es Novel.
Lovecraft09: Soup Opera, quise decir.
paolavalanetina864: si esta bien? es para mañana y vale puntos :( quiero salir bien
Respuesta dada por: karitos234


si esta perfecto


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