1.3 Practice
Observa las fotos y di qué tipo de viaje/destino es tu favorito. ¿Di por qué? y ¿Qué tipo de actividades puedes
realizar en esos lugares?

● Observa las fotos y di que tipo viaje/destino es tu favorito¿ Di porqué? y ¿Qué actividades puedes realizar en esos lugares?
R//My favorite touristic destinations is the beach, because there are to much space,and I can play wich my Friends or walk in the sand or swim.
●Al mismo tiempo te adjunto la imagen donde se encuentra el cuadro ya completado.

Next, the type of trip that I like to do and the destination to visit will be described.
My favorite type of destination is the beach, because it is a place where I can clear my mind and have fun.
On the beach I can meditate, I can swim, I can play with the sand .
Similarly, in this type of place you can do activities such as scuba diving, fun with jet skis or sailing on a yacht.
what is traveling?
Traveling is undertaking a visit to a tourist place of our liking and where we usually have fun and rest.
For more information about the trips, visit our link: https://brainly.lat/tarea/14118590